A Bibliometric Analysis of Two Decades of Global Research on Organizational Ambidexterity using the Scopus Database

  • Amjad A
  • et al.
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Modern organizations face dynamism and due to which come across various performance challenges. Ambidexterity, which is the organizational balance among exploration and exploitation related activities, has gained significant attention in recent times on a global scale and is applicable in multiple domains. To advance the organizational ambidexterity understanding in an integrated and holistic manner, the current bibliometric analysis evaluates the globally published research conducted on organizational ambidexterity incorporating varied expressions. Using the Scopus database, the current research accumulated 282 journal articles from 1996 until 2018. The analysis of this research highlights, organizational ambidexterity research publications experienced a considerable upward momentum since year 2014 and onwards, with more than 40 papers per annum between 2015-2018. Top contributing institutions in organizational ambidexterity domain come from the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Spain, and Italy. Moreover, top-cited papers are from authors in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Netherlands. Most importantly, VOS viewer software is used to analyze co-authorship, author keyword co-occurrences, and network strength. The United States and the United Kingdom have the strongest link strength, followed by Canada, China, and South Korea, and Norway.




Amjad, A., & Nor, K. M. (2020). A Bibliometric Analysis of Two Decades of Global Research on Organizational Ambidexterity using the Scopus Database. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 385–390. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.d6728.049420

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