Diabetes is a type of metabolic dieses identified by unstable blood glucose level due to the defect in body to generate or use of insulin. Diabetes is created due to the defect in metabolism of converting the glucose to energy in blood. Hyperglycaemia is a stage were glucose value in the body is greater than 140 mg/dl which leads to type 1 diabetes for the patient. Type 1 diabetes is caused due to lack of generation of insulin in human blood and type 2 diabetes is caused due to resistance to insulin action which leads to several other diseases like foot ulcer and sever wounds in human foot or other parts of the body. Early diagnosing of diabetes disease plays an important task in improving the standard of healthy living. Traditional methods of identifying diabetes does not provides effective results and the results are not more reliable. Temperature based diabetes diagnosing model is defined using TEG sensor to analyse the heat changes in human foot. Imbalanced glucose level affects the performance of nerves system which leads to slower response for temperature change in the foot surface. TEG sensor is used to measure the heat transfer in foot by applying cold water over foot. The rate of temperature changes in foot represents the level of diabetes caused in the patient body. The signals from TEG sensor was collected and processed using signal analysis algorithm using MATLAB software.
Ganesan, R. (2019). Non Invasive Method of Diabetes Measurement using Teg Sensor via Foot Skin Temperature. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 1188–1195. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.b3532.129219
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