The rise in the demand for multimedia digital products has led to significant copyright challenges, which concerns proof of ownership and copy control. Digital watermarking method provides a solution to the problems associated to copyright protection and control. Considerable quantities of multimedia content are printed, edited or distributed unlawfully without the legal consent of the owner. Digital piracy in the movie and music industry contributes to severe economic losses annually. The problem of digital piracy has led to the urgent need for digital watermarking as a method to counter the piracy. The protection of digital content is currently the main responsibility of the content owner since piracy is evident in all levels of multimedia industry. Therefore, for multimedia information, protection of content copyright has increasingly become the sole focus of the content owner. Digital watermarking is a vital technology, which is applicable in protecting the contemporary multimedia digital contents..
Embaby, A. Al., Shalaby, M. A. W., & Elsayed, K. M. (2020). Digital Watermarking Properties, Classification and Techniques. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(3), 2742–2750.
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