In irrigation, sewer systems and drainage engineering side weirs are used to as a hydraulic control structure from many decades. Labyrinth side weir is a side weir with increased crest length due to folding in plan view as it provides additional length for a given opening. As a flow diversion structure in irrigation, land drainage, urban sewage systems and in intake structures. Labyrinth side weirs can be used more efficiently than conventional side weirs. In this review paper some investigations of researchers with different parameter affecting coefficient of discharge and discharging capacity of side weirs are presented. In review it seems that different parameters are affecting on discharge of side weir has been considered in empirical equations given by researcher but few parameters are left for consideration. In this paper effect of additional parameters like side weir thickness and submergence condition is evaluated by CFD models which can be a research tool to investigate future scope.
S., A. U., & G., Dr. P. L. (2019). Flow Over Side Weirs with Experimental & CFD Results. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 1315–1319.
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