Background: Raynaud’s phenomenon and the frequently ensuing digital ulcerations represent an early and very distressing symptom in patients with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma, SSc) causing significant limitations in the ability to work and quality of life. The use of vasoactive drugs (especially intravenous prostacyclin derivatives) is recommended to reduce the risk of hypoxic tissue damage up to the loss of fingers. Methods: In order to obtain information about the current state of treatment of patients with prostacyclin derivatives in routine clinical life in Germany, a survey was conducted among the centers affiliated to the German Network for Systemic Scleroderma (DNSS). In addition, a separate patient survey was conducted by the schleroderma self-help group (Sklerodermie Selbsthilfe e. V.), which only covered the symptoms Raynaud’s syndrome, digital ulcers and the use of intravenous prostacyclin derivatives. Results: Of the 433 patients surveyed 56% stated that they had already been treated with prostacyclin derivatives (iloprost/alprostadil) because of their illness and symptoms. A total of 61% received the treatment for severe Raynaud’s phenomenon and 39% for digital ulcerations. Most respondents not only experienced an improvement in Raynaudʼs phenomenon and digital ulcers but also a significant improvement of limitations in everyday life. They also needed significantly less outside help and absenteeism from work was much lower. Conclusion: Patients consistently reported a positive effect of treatment with prostacyclin derivatives on Raynaudʼs phenomenon, acral ulcerations, pain and daily restrictions and felt well and safely cared for during inpatient treatment. These positive effects in the patientsʼ perceptions provide crucial information supporting and confirming the current European and international treatment recommendations.
Juche, A., Siegert, E., Mueller-Ladner, U., Riemekasten, G., Günther, C., Kötter, I., … Moinzadeh, P. (2020). Reality of inpatient vasoactive treatment with prostacyclin derivatives in patients with acral circulation disorders due to systemic sclerosis in Germany. Zeitschrift Fur Rheumatologie, 79(10), 1057–1066.
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