A Multi Platform for Utility using openFMBTM Reference Architecture: Chalenges and Lessons Learned

  • et al.
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The exponential growth of smart micro grids is making centralized control unmanageable. Data generated by grid-edge devices are also inaccessible due to the installation of private micro grids with proprietary communication protocols. The OpenFMBTM reference architecture solves this interoperability issue and eases the manageability of huge data by creating a virtual node that would allow exchange information between field devices with the use of publish/subscribe paradigm. However, the OpenFMBTM framework is yet to be adopted by industries but researches related to the implementation of this framework is being conducted with the aim to find out the cost and reliability on performance issues such as accuracy, scalability and security. Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) provided a live demonstration of OpenFMBTM framework at DistribuTECH conference. DistribuTECH demo provides a guideline to setup simulators deployed in a single Linux machine. This paper discusses about the simulation demo and lessons learned to further developing the project. The implemented demo focuses on the use of MQTT communication protocol for transport layer data transfer. The experiment uses the guidelines of the DistribuTECH demo and addresses the challenge of deploying the framework in real devices at industry level.




Rusli, M. E., Ali, M., … Jamil, N. (2019). A Multi Platform for Utility using openFMBTM Reference Architecture: Chalenges and Lessons Learned. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 4213–4217. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.b4932.129219

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