Examining drivers and outcomes of social media brand engagement

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Purpose: This study empirically examines a set of drivers (i.e. social media involvement, self-brand congruence, firm image and relationship age) of consumers’ social media brand engagement (SMBE), which subsequently influences consumer outcomes (i.e. consumer satisfaction, brand trust and perceived value). Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected using a self-administered online survey of 340 social media users. Structural equation modelling was employed to test the conceptual model. Findings: Findings indicate that social media involvement, self-brand congruence and firm image are significant drivers of SMBE, while relationship age is not. SMBE subsequently impacts consumer satisfaction, brand trust and perceived value. Research limitations/implications: This study contains some limitations associated with cross-sectional research. It does not investigate consumer engagement with other entities (e.g. other commercial brands) through the use of social media. Practical implications: These findings call for marketing managers and social media brand managers to pay attention and invest resources in the significant drivers of SMBE. They also provide insights on enhancing SMBE to strengthen consumer–brand relationships. Originality/value: Based on consumer–brand relationship marketing and consumer psychology of brands, this study investigates brand-related relational drivers and outcomes of SMBE, thereby deepening understanding of consumer engagement in digital environments.




Leckie, C., Dwivedi, A., & Johnson, L. (2022). Examining drivers and outcomes of social media brand engagement. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 34(2), 350–367. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-07-2020-0488

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