Correlation based low complex video frame interpolation

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Frame Interpolation is one of the main stages in video processing. Video coding standards skip some in-between frames for efficient compression and coding. At decoder the common approach to reconstruct the skipped frame using Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation (MCFI)methods. In MCFI, computational complexity is very high as calculation of Block Matching Algorithm, Motion Vectors (MV), Motion Estimation(ME) and Prediction logic of objects in motion between the frames, increases the complexity in MCFI method. A more feasible approach with minimum computational complexity using block level correlation is proposed in this paper. Errored MV at the decoder results in holes, occlusions, blurring and edge deformations in the interpolated frame. This proposal minimizes afore mentioned effects along with minimum complexity. The results are simulated in terms of peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index (SSIM).




Madav, B. T., Jilani, S. A. K., & Aruna Mastani, S. (2019). Correlation based low complex video frame interpolation. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 4094–4098.

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