Visualization of encrypted data packagesusing birch algorithm

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Encrypted data packagesare already widely used in public services; such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL/Transport Layer Security (TLS) and tunneling.It is used for its advantage of providing secure data exchange. However, there are difficulties to recognize encrypted packet patterns and distinguish between safe and malicious data. This paper proposes a method to visualize encrypted data packages in graphical form using Birch algorithm where itrecognizes better.There are four stages carried out in the study, namely System Design, Feature Extraction, Cluster Process, and Visualization. The results of clustering using the birch algorithm of 0.98 or have a percentage level of accuracy of 98 percent.




Setiawan, H., Tasmi, Sanmarino, A., & Verano, D. (2019). Visualization of encrypted data packagesusing birch algorithm. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 3594–3597.

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