The principle goal is to add a GSM based vitality meter perusing framework and burden control through SMS. Power division sends workers to take meter perusing each month, which is a costly and tedious employment. The proposed venture gives a helpful and productive strategy to maintain a strategic distance from this issue. The power division and the client can get the readings of the vitality meter of buyers by means of SMS. The heaps can likewise be checked by the voltage level indicator.This undertaking likewise screens load control by sensor which it remove the framework when high or low voltage occurred.It utilizes a standard advanced vitality meter that conveys yield heartbeats to the microcontroller to perform meaning essential activity. On getting charge it can switch ON/OFF the heaps.
Saravana, S., Balaji, S., Arulselvi, S., & John Paul Praveen, A. (2019). Reliable power quality monitoring and protection system. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 644–645.
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