An Available Open-Source Vein Recognition Framework

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An available recognition toolkit is one of the basic requirements for conducting research in finger- and hand vein recognition. Currently, there is only one comprehensive, open-source, software package available, which includes a full finger vein recognition toolkit. We present a novel, full fledged vein recognition software framework implemented in MATLAB. Our PLUS OpenVein software package contains various well-established and state-of-the-art vein enhancement, feature extraction and comparison schemes. Moreover, it contains tools to evaluate the recognition performance and provides functions to perform feature- and score-level fusion. It is fully open source and available free of charge for research and non-commercial purposes. This vein recognition framework has already been used in several papers and can be a valuable tool for other researchers working in vein recognition.




Kauba, C., & Uhl, A. (2020). An Available Open-Source Vein Recognition Framework. In Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 113–142). Springer.

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