Partial discharge assessment of XLPE cable

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Rapid growth in power system has created the opportunity in the field of materials to ensure reliable operation of various equipments throughout their operating life span. Due to the cumulative effects of mechanical, chemical and electrical stresses caused by the partial discharge (PD), insulation gradually degrades. Partial Discharge tests ensure the good quality of cable insulation like cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) under high voltage conditions. This paper describes the results of a real testing based experiment of Partial Discharge with XLPE cable. Under the application of different voltages, the breakdown level of cable insulation is checked in the laboratory experimental setup. The MATLAB Simulink architecture of test system with PD structure is constructed in correlation with laboratory experiments. The results of both the simulation and the laboratory experiment have been compared in this work. The standard deviation and percentage error are calculated for the simulated and experimental data.




Singla, M. K., Gupta, J., Nijhawan, P., & Paramane, A. (2019). Partial discharge assessment of XLPE cable. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 2126–2130.

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