Automatic technology needs to be applied to all items that are still not fully automated. But in reality still not all automation tools implement all parts working automatically. As with maintaining fish in an aquarium which is a hobby of urban residents who work manually and routinely, such as feeding fish regularly then monitoring pH, etc., therefore transferring the work of caring for fish and aquariums is important to be done automatically. Using a microcontroller and other sensors combined into an integrated system can automate activities such as raising fish in an aquarium. Automatic activities include monitoring the pH of water and feed supplemented with reports in the form of SMS as information for aquarium owners. By using an automatic water and fish feed monitoring system based on a microcontroller, aquarium owners can find out the pH value of aquarium water even though they know how to calculate it and will feel calm when traveling for a long time because the aquarium has been automated, where the bait will be given automatically according to the schedule and predetermined portion. The formation of tools using the waterfall method commonly used to design technology so that research is expected to know the impact of the formation of this waterfall. Microcontroller results are tested using a black box to measure the original size with the size of the results of the microcontroller. the results show that if this automation is done using the waterfall method and tested using a black box successfully produces automation in the aquarium.
Widianto, M. H., & Darisman, A. (2019). Water Monitoring and Automatic Feed in Aquarium Based on Microcontroller. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 1738–1743.
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