Hilosophical thought of al-farabi as models of establishing civil society in the era of technology disruption

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Islamic educational institutions or schools are educational institutions which have tersistem the first time in Indonesia before the Dutch introduced the school system. Their historical time interval that shows long-existence of Islamic educational institutions becomes a serious problem when Islamic education has not been able to produce human beings are ready to face the era of technology disruption (the industrial revolution 4.0) as it is today. The limited views on Islamic education is only concerned issues of religious materials, does not include a general matter, giving rise to the separation between Islamic educational institutions with general education institutions. So these problems, this study tries to introduce the conception of al-Farabi's philosophical thinking about civil society and Islamic education to address and provide solutions for the development of Islamic education in today's changing times is the era of technology disruption (the industrial revolution 4.0). This research method using descriptive qualitative method with historical-philosophical approach and heuristic data analysis, verification, interpretation, synthesis. The results showed the order of life of civil society perspective of al-Farabi will materialize if the community prefers aspects of teaching and character formation in the era of disruption technology (industrial revolution 4.0) in order to reach happiness essentials (happiness physical and spiritual), which became the main feature of a civil society. In the middle era of technology disruption (the industrial revolution 4.0) element of physical and spiritual happiness into the main thing that technology can be used wisely and optimally.

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Sya’bani, M. A. Y., & Rajiani, I. (2019). Hilosophical thought of al-farabi as models of establishing civil society in the era of technology disruption. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 5846–5850. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B3773.078219

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